Tower of God: Ch58 – 2F – Last Examination (2)

One Long Ass Chapter… But totally worth it.

And Don’t forget to thank The Company Team for being able to do 51 pages in such
a short time. I personally have put more then 14 hours in this chapter… 🙁

Just A small “thank you” makes our day. So please drop a comment Or Even better a donation:


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91 Responses

  1. Superb chapter… thanks for all your efforts guy, you’re doing a great job on ToG
    and hell, what a chapter, soo anxious to see the next one, damn it!
    and again, good job grumpy 😀

  2. Thanks a lot to the company for the hard work and all hai the company. You guys are awesome as this is super fast release. TOG make my days 😀

  3. Thank You! I am just glad to be alive to be able to read this wonderful story! 🙂 And all because of SIU and the wonderful job you guys are doing out of kindheartedness for all of us fans! 🙂 Thank You again! 🙂

  4. Thanks guys. You do great work, every week, and this was above and beyond. I cant wait to read it 5 more times ;p

  5. How can I not say thank you after that great chapter and awesome speed? That was awesome. Thanks. For all the time you put into that… don’t kill yourselves guys. 😉

    SHANK YOUS!!!!!! ^^

    …14 hours… *shudder* you guys rock too much. =p

  6. The chapters keep on getting better and better, I’m really looking forward to what’s coming up in the next installment.

    Thank you so much for the amazing work guys, there are no words to express how awesome it is that you care about the community as much as you do.

    ps: bad**s Baam is bad**s

  7. Dear lord, this series is amazing.
    And bless your souls guys, without you we’d never get to read this amazing story.
    And I actually pretty amazed how quickly you got this out, I was cruising along their website and when it was posted I noticed it was the longest chapter in months.
    But SCHNOOZERS, you guys got it done in tip top shape.
    We all celebrate your skill and thank you for your hard work and determination!
    ToG 4 LIFE!

  8. thanks for the excellent chapter!!!

    EVERYTHING has gone to coffee addicts plan and continues to do so now that everyone will take the test together with Bam and succeed. As far as I can tell coffee addict is the true mastermind here… (Coffee addict said in c56 “Soon a wave big enough to shake the tower is about to form” ) .. even I bet handpicking Leroro because he could be manipulated so easily like the others and shared similar ideals, while never letting on =D)

    1. Sorry man but I think you’re way off there. Yeah the whole “Soon a wave big enough to shake the tower is about to form” part, the coffee addict was shaking and looked worried (i.e. did not want a wave like that). She err he also mentionned somewhere that Lero ro is a lot harder to manage/deal with compared to the stupid/guilable quant (so Lero ro is annoying to deal with/disrupting plans). Also when Lero ro mentionned letting waves take form the director told him to basically piss off. Heck then the coffee addict went and told her entire scheme to Baam and even admitted to being a “bad person”. She (still think its a girl somehow…) even said she made Baam give up the crown game, injured and never treated Lahel and a bunch of other crap. She was surprised that Koon knew about the guardian thing cause with it, Baam could get Lahel to pass and would thus continue to climb the tower. Uhh basically everything points to coffee addict = evil.

      1. Well who’s to say she (or is it he) is evil. She probably feels she is doing the right thing by not letting a dangerous element like Baam get higher into the tower. Rather I’d say she is antagonist to Baam.

        1. Lol my bad, its just since good and evil are really subjective terms, I meant it from Baam’s p.o.v. since der was saying the director had Baam’s best interests at heart.
          There is no good or evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it. lol “secret” novel reference. hahaha

  9. Baam vs Director epic scene, I loved how Baam answered. Also Hatsu line were nice. Awesome chapter thanks a lot.

  10. Seriously
    i fucking love koon
    i want to have koon’s babies
    and seriuosly ty for the fast chapter
    and seriously bam is so cute
    and seriously

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