Kubera Season 2 Preview
Enjoy~! 😀 Currygom’s art is looking even nicer than before, eh?
~ Rin, Zageron, Kroll, Fembot ~
Click here to get to the original comic and support Currygom!
Enjoy~! 😀 Currygom’s art is looking even nicer than before, eh?
~ Rin, Zageron, Kroll, Fembot ~
Click here to get to the original comic and support Currygom!
i’m not a fan of his art, i think that the story is the strong pillar that keeps Kubera going.
You don’t like the art? I like how expressive it is. I’m not criticising your opinion, I’m just genuinely surprised. 😮
Well you know… it’s just not that detailed… i know that currygom doesn’t have assistants slaving away to draw backgrounds and other stuff, so i don’t complain.
thanks 🙂
Wow, that was a beautiful preview. I especially liked the last line.
I love her art work now, I think Leez got prettier ( yellow just wasn’t her colour lol) The story developing in such an interesting way, I’m really looking forward to what will happen from now on.
Thank you so much:D
Thank you!! Kubera is a great story and I love the art! Second send is going to be darker and more intense!
thanks for the new chapter
Wow i’m looking forward to it. And currygom is male? I always thought him to be a she.
[spoilers to this preview]
I hope the one who said “It is my victory, Kubera” is the green-haired-girl-Kubera and not the Kid/Guy-real-soon-to-have-no-place-among-the-gods-goldy-kubera… my head hurts.
I also hope that the one who will cry won’t be Agni, because if he does… that means you-know-who is dead…
Also I just made a profile so that angry-looking-face-diamond-shaped-thingy was how I entered posts till now…
Anyway I just wanted to say “hello” as an official “The Company” frequant visiter/lurker (or do we have a better title?).
Thank you for EVERYTHING!
Thank you for season 1!!! Season 2 preview looks goooood!
Thanks! I can hardly wait for season 2!! 😉