Kubera Ch92
Surprise, surprise. Enjoy the chapter, everyone.
~ Rin, Zageron, Kroll, Fembot ~
Click here to get to the original comic and support Currygom!
Surprise, surprise. Enjoy the chapter, everyone.
~ Rin, Zageron, Kroll, Fembot ~
Click here to get to the original comic and support Currygom!
I luv u The Company <3
Thank you so much for the quick updates of Kubera! 😀
You spoil us. Thank you for the extra chapter!
Surprises arent always bad, thx again. Next few chapters look great but worth the wait
Thank you! What a wonderful surprise! 🙂
Thanks for the new chapter
Thank you so, so much for the quick updates!
Have a nice day.
Thank you very much for the new release!!
… I love u guys *-*
Thank you for the quick release.
waaaa that’s awsomee, super quick thanks
Thanks for the quick updates!
Thank you very much! Enjoying the current arc a lot!
yay thx for release
damm these cliffhangers
Wow, thank you for the fast update. :’D <3
We wuv you, no homo, just Guy- and Gal Love!
Eeee, thanks so much for the quick chapter! <3
Thanks for pushing yourselves to keep up with those enormous tools over at mangapirate.
Thanks! and keep up the amazing work!
Omg! Thank you thank you! *__*
Thnx so much and damn cliffhangers!!
Thank you for new chapter out so fast!
Oh, I love you!
wow! What a chapter!!!!!
Love you guys ^^
Thank you so much:D
This arc is awesome!
Waw, thank you so much!!
Thank you so much for the chapter!!! Luv your guys^^
Thank you!! It was a big surprise to find two chapters! *beyond happiness*
Oh my. <3
Thank you, guys! You are the best! This was truly a big surprise! 😛
Your chapters are such high quality! *.*
I encourage you to keep up the amazing work!
woow Leez finally getting some serious development!
Ahahahah nice one, you released the chapter 94 the same day mangapirate did but with high quality and a better translation.
Can’t beat The Company at a release contest on Kubera.
You guys are the best. I print these out and mail them to my bro in prison so he doesn’t miss out. Thank you for the super fast release.