kubera 12!! whaa… really?? =_=

Kubera ch11
/drum roll……. fangirls and fanboys…
kubera chapter 11 is…… here! enjoy~ BISHES

Kubera Ch10
fan-girls & boys, you can squeal in delight… because, here is Chapter 10.

Kubera Ch9
it’s here!!!

Kubera Ch8
Kubera’s Halloween special!!! Well, it’s not that special but you know…

Kubera Ch7
Chapter 7 is now out!!!

Kubera ch6
Love Me too, for I bring you Kubera Ch6 in many download mirrors…
Well, not that I did anything else… lol -Grumpy

Kubera Ch5
Love Me, for I bring you Kubera Ch5

Kubera Ch4
The guys (pedo & deus) are too fast… I (grumpy) can’t even make release pages this fast. lol They’re probably also making me look bad for releasing others so slow… lol

Kubera Chapter 3
Enjoy~~ Kubera chapter 3

Kubera, ch2
We have a new translator!! Pedo Bear Jr~~~!! Yay~ And once again, oculus of deus who joined last…

New Name, Kubera ch1 & Zippy Ziggy ch36!!!
Ah!!! So many things this time! First, we got a new name!!! Thanks to all those participated in…

Kubera!! NEW SERIES!
This is a new series for us named Kubera. I just decided to do this one about…. 24hrs…