Here it is, the chapter you’ve all been waiting for!

Kubera Ch99
Enjoy the chapter~

Kubera Ch97 & Ch98
Double release today! Enjoy, everyone. These chapters are amaaazing!

Kubera Ch96
Here’s the next chapter for you all. Enjoy!

Kubera Ch95

Kubera Ch93 & Ch94
Another surprise! Enjoy, guys!

Kubera Ch92
Surprise, surprise.

Kubera Ch91
I swear, this last arc is just full of cliffhangers. Enjoy!

Kubera Ch90
Enjoy the next chapter! 10 more to go for the first season~

Kubera Ch89
Another good chapter! Enjoy, everyone!

Kubera Ch88
This chapter wraps up the arc! Enjoy!
In other news, for those who don’t already know, season 2 of Kubera is scheduled to start in a few days from now, on July 31st! Who else is excited? Be sure to help support Currygom and give her plenty of pageviews on Naver, folks! <3

Kubera Ch87
Enjoy your next dose of Cumpera~!

Kubera Ch86
I love Leez’s expression here. Enjoy, everyone~

Kubera Ch85
Enjoy the next chapter, everyone~

Kubera Ch84
Guess who’s baaack~? Enjoy the first chapter of the new arc!

Kubera Ch83
Arc end (finally~)!