It’s been 3 days since last chapter release. SO… Spoilers or not, I’m posting some Agni pics now. NO REGRETS.

Kubera Ch77
Here’s the chapter everyone’s been anticipating! Well, if you’ve glanced at the raws, that is. Enjoy the chapter, everyone!

Kubera Ch76
The clash of the Titans!

Kubera Ch74 & Ch75
Airi Airi Airiiii~! <3 Here's a double-release to make up for missing Monday's. Enjoy!

Kubera Ch73

Kubera Ch72
They keep on getting betterrrr

Kubera Ch71
Enjoy! Here’s another really good chapter.

Kubera Ch70

Kubera Ch69

Kubera Ch68.5

Kubera Ch67 & Ch68
Kubera double release! Enjoy!

Kubera Ch66
Thanks for your patience everyone! Enjoy the chapter!

Kubera Ch65
Surprise, surprise.

Kubera Ch64
Brace yourselves for the longest arc of Kubera, Season 1, and enjoy!

Kubera Ch63
Enjoy a hilarious chapter to wrap up this arc!

Kubera Ch62
Enjoy the next chapter of Kubera!

Kubera Ch61
Brb, too busy fanboying over how hilarious Kasak is~

Kubera Ch60
By unanimous agreement of the Kubera team, this chapter is amazingwowawesomefantastic. Enjoy~