This should become a sport in ToG. Riding turtles.
ToG 2.113 – 115 | Script Only
ToG season 2 chapters 113 to 115 Scripts
ToG 2.112 – Script Only
Script Only
Series Drops
We’re dropping two series. First, Covertly Gloriously. We only managed to dish out the preview of this chapter….
Zippy Ziggy v4 Translations
Going in reverse!!! I’ll update this post as I add more chapters of this volume. (not likely b/c…
Zippy Ziggy v5 Translations
I’ll update this post as I add more chapters of this volume. Translation Zippy Ziggy Translation v5 Intro…
Phantom King v1, ch2 Translation
Translation Phantom King v1 ch2 Translation Want Scanlation? Dredshi will pick it up asap and hopefully I’ll have…
Goong v19, ch128 Translation
This will be the last chapter translated by me and the last chapter of this volume. I wish…
Goong v19, ch127 Translation
Good enough pace for ppl? lol Translation Goong v19 ch127 Translation
Goong v19 ch126 Translation
And zee next chapter! This was really easy to translate. So short! lol I made it into pdf…
Goong v19 ch125 Translation
Oh noes! Yet another manhwa! I am but a temporary translator for Goong via request. None the less,…
Id vol14, ch4 Translation Only
Translation Id Vol 14, ch 4 (aka 90) Pronunciation Land Chunhwa is actually correctly romanized by Chaun-Hwa instead….
Id v14 ch3.2~3 Translations Only
Translation Id Vol 14, ch 3, part 2/3 (aka 89b) Id Vol 14, ch 3, part 3/3 (aka…