Fembot is currently rolling over and dying, so I’m here to release. Enjoy.

Kubera: Season 1, Chapter 11 (revised)
Looks like Fembot is too busy being harassed by strangers on a train, so I’m here to release this.

Kubera: Season 1, Chapter 10 (revised)
Innuendo! Intrigue! Drama! Mystery!

Kubera: Chapter 30

Super Mass Release! ToG 1 year anniversary!
Jimmini jillickers Batman! A mass release!!!
That’s right folks, it has been 1 year since we picked up Tower of God and it was one hell of a ride that just won’t stop. Is that something really worth celebrating? Who knows, who cares…

Kubera Chapter 25
What’s that you say? Another chapter?! @#$@#%$!!

Kubera Chapter 24
Yet another chapter of Kubera! What shall we do?

Kubera Chapter 23
It’s heeeere!!!

Kubera Chapter 22
Finally! Chapter 22… I know you all have been waiting and waiting and… So, no more waiting!…

Kubera Chapter 21
It’s no joke, chapter 21 IS HERE! Now go tell all of your friends to drop by Batoto…
Kubera 20
“What is this,” you ask? Is it for real? Yes, yes… your prayers have been answered! Your dreams fulfilled… After a long delay, The Company presents: Kubera chapter 20, Sadness to be Lost (9). We hope that you enjoy this chapter,<3 Kubera Team: Pedo_Bear_Jr, MFKevinKing, Fembot and FunnyBunnyLogic

Kubera Ch18
Hey there kids. It’s me QC guy, mfkevinking, here again. This is my first chapter release. Though it’s…

Kubera ch17
So… Why am I posting this?
– Grumpy

Kubera Ch16
TOWEL of Kubera~ enjoy!!

Kubera Ch15
merry christmas~

Kubera ch14

Kubera Ch13
Another day, another chapter…

Kubera ch12
kubera 12!! whaa… really?? =_=

Kubera ch11
/drum roll……. fangirls and fanboys…
kubera chapter 11 is…… here! enjoy~ BISHES

Kubera Ch10
fan-girls & boys, you can squeal in delight… because, here is Chapter 10.